41 Lothbury, London EC2R 7HG, United Kingdom

E-Fast Service ®

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the amount in currency of the premium bank card?

The minimum amount that can be charged to the bank card is $100 or an equivalent amount in another currency. The maximum amount depends on the status of the customer (individual or professional) holder of the bank card. You can find out more about this by contacting our consultants via the form on our website or by calling us directly.

What should I do if I lose my bank card?

In case of loss of your credit card, immediately contact our customer service so that we can suspend all operations that could cause you to lose your money. You will be able within 24 to 72 hours to go to one of our branches for the withdrawal of a new bank card. A customer advisor can send it to your address by post (for those who cannot travel). When you receive the new bank card, please remember to activate it before using it.

How much can you deposit on a credit card?

It depends on the type of bank card you choose. For example, if you choose a basic credit card, you are limited to a monthly deposit of $5,000.

What are the security features of mobile banking?

The banking services offered through our mobile application are very similar to Internet banking through a web browser. We have made every effort to prevent our customers from losing their money. Some important security measures in place include Verisign SSL, Https, etc.

What browser do I need to securely access my account?

Our banking system only supports the latest versions of internet browsers currently available on the market. Some of the most popular are Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Safari. If you use Internet Explorer, make sure your browser version is 9.0 or higher.

Can I make online payments to overseas recipients?

Yes, you can. Our bank does not limit payments to a given country. You can safely send up to $100,000 a day to your loved ones regardless of their country of residence.